Tweak texture mapping of textures in render material of object

This is a simple and straight-forward script. We import a bunch of modules and namespaces we need, get the list of selected objects, loop over them and tweak the diffuse or base color textures.

In case you rather just get the final script, you can find it here

We'll assume for now that we are dealing with Rhino Custom or Rhino PBR materials.

<<the script.*>>= ./ $
<<assume already selected objects>>
<<loop over objects and tweak texture>>

Get all selected objects

We'll use a list comprehension to get the list of selected objects. Note that we're passing False to IsSelected(), since we are not interested in sub-objects, but rather the top level object.

<<assume already selected objects>>=
obs = [ob for ob in sc.doc.Objects if ob.IsSelected(False)]

Looping and tweaking

Now that we have our object list we'll loop over each object and get its render material. For the material we'll determine the correct child slot, retrieve the texture, then change the repeat of its mapping.

<<loop over objects and tweak texture>>=
for ob in obs:
    <<get render material>>
    <<get child slot>>
    <<find texture>>
    <<fiddle with texture>>

Simple ask for RenderMaterial. This should always work, but just in case, skip handling this any further if None was given.

<<get render material>>=
render_material = ob.RenderMaterial
if not render_material:

For now we assume either Rhino native materials (basic material or PBR). To that end we'll simulate the render material and see if it is a PBR material.

<<get child slot>>=
mat = render_material.SimulatedMaterial(Rhino.Render.RenderTexture.TextureGeneration.Allow)
if mat.IsPhysicallyBased and mat.PhysicallyBased:
    slot = Rhino.Render.RenderMaterial.StandardChildSlots.PbrBaseColor
    slot = Rhino.Render.RenderMaterial.StandardChildSlots.Diffuse

Now that we have the correct slot we can actually get the texture from our render material.

<<find texture>>=
diffuse_texture = render_material.GetTextureFromUsage(slot)

All that is left is to get the repeat, tweak it and set it back. For render content to be properly updated we have to bracket it with BeginChange and EndChange, using a suitable change context. Since our script is like a UI we'll use the UI change context. Program or RealTimeUI would also work.

<<fiddle with texture>>=
context = Rhino.Render.RenderContent.ChangeContexts.UI
repeat = diffuse_texture.GetRepeat()
repeat *= 2
repeat.Z = 0
diffuse_texture.SetRepeat(repeat, context)

Missing bits and pieces

We still have to import everything we need:

import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino
import Rhino.Render