This example is created to answer this
We'll look at how to create a RenderTexture
from an EXR file using the RDK. Originally the goal was to load a TIFF, but at the moment Rhino does not support TIFF images with values over 1.0.
The generated script is
We start by importing the namespace we need: Rhino
to give us access to all the sub-namespaces, primarily Rhino.Render
and Rhino.Geometry
This script will ask the user to pick an EXR file. When a file has been selected
we'll <<create the HDR render texture>>
. In Rhino RDK all render textures can
be evaluated to get color values for a specific point in a UV space, including
textures based on images. For that we <<get the evaluator from the texture>>
With the evaluator in hand we can do a <<double loop over evaluator to get values>>
In this example we'll do every 1013th pixel of the input image. This is to
ensure we get varying values in case of an input image with a regular pattern.
import Rhino
file_dialog = Rhino.UI.OpenFileDialog()
file_dialog.Filter = "EXR (*.exr)|*.exr"
if file_dialog.ShowDialog():
<<create the HDR render texture>>
<<get the evaluator from the texture>>
<<double loop over evaluator to get values>>
We want to create an HDR render texture that is not attached to the Rhino
document, nor should it be visible in the UI. For that we use
render_texture = Rhino.Render.RenderContentType.NewContentFromTypeId(
When the render_texture
has been created the next step is to set the file we
had the user pick. As most of the RenderContent
modification methods we have
to bracket the SetParameter
call correctly. Since we are doing all this
programmatically the correct context is ChangeContexts.Program
. Without the
bracketing changes made to the render_texture
will not be picked up.
render_texture.SetParameter("filename", file_dialog.FileName)
It is important to disable any transformations applied to a render texture. In our case it isn't really necessary, but if you were to access render textures users had manually added to the Rhino document you can't be too careful. Disable local mapping, adjustments and projection changes to ensure you get the original image sampling, and not some unexpected version due to all applied changes.
The enumeration TextureEvaluatorFlags
for that is really a bit flag, so you
can bitwise OR
them together.
evaluator = render_texture.CreateEvaluator(
| Rhino.Render.RenderTexture.TextureEvaluatorFlags.DisableAdjustment
| Rhino.Render.RenderTexture.TextureEvaluatorFlags.DisableProjectionChange
The texture size is retrieved by using PixelSize2
. Since it returns a Nullable
type check we have actually something.
size = render_texture.PixelSize2
if size:
width = size[0]
height = size[1]
Correct access vector needs half pixel values. They are calculated by dividing 0.5
by the width and height of the texture respectively.
half_pixel_u = 0.5 / width
half_pixel_v = 0.5 / height
Due to the nature of IronPython and using methods that have ref
parameters we
need to set up a Rhino.Display.Color4f
. This is also a good time to initialize
the rest of the variables we'll be using in the double loop.
Since we are evaluating an image-based render texture we don't need
differentials, so we set up a dummy_duvw
set to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
col4f = Rhino.Display.Color4f()
pt = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d.Origin
dummy_duvw = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.Zero
count = 0
Finally in the double loop over the height and the width of the texture we
calculate the access vector. Since we're doing a simple 2D texture access we
only need to calculate X
and Y
, the Z
for the UVW space is unneeded, so
kept at 0.0
For each coordinate component in turn the x
is transformed to 0.0-1.0 space.
To access the color we use the GetColor
overload that takes a ref Color4f
This version is much faster than the other overload. The col4f
initialized earlier appears on both the left-hand and the right-hand side of the
assignment operator. On the left side we have ok
in which the boolean
returned by GetColor
is set, and the updated value of col4f
will be right
after the ok
If the color was retrieved successfully ok
will be True
and we can print the
color values.
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
if count % 1013 == 0:
pt.X = float(x) / float(width) + half_pixel_u
pt.Y = float(y) / float(height) + half_pixel_v
ok, col4f = evaluator.GetColor(pt, dummy_duvw, dummy_duvw, col4f)
if ok:
print col4f.R, col4f.G, col4f.B, col4f.A
count += 1