Creating a double-sided material

written by Nathan 'jesterKing' Letwory


To create a double-sided material type we are going to use RenderMaterial from the Rhino.Render namespace.

A GUID is needed to create a material of a specific type. One can find many GUIDs in the RenderMaterial properties, but unfortunately the double-sided material GUID is not exposed through the API yet.

To figure out what the GUID of the double-sided material type is I create one manually in Rhino, then save the material as a file. The resulting .rmtl file can be opened in a text editor. In the <material> tag you'll find the type-id attribute that holds the GUID we need.

Following these steps give us the information we need: a double-sided material type has the GUID E6CD1973-B739-496E-AB69-32957FA48492.

A new instance we create with one of the static method RenderContent.Create() overloads. Using one of these overloads will result in the material being created and added to the persistent content list. In other words it will show up in the material editor.

A double-sided material references two other materials. This means we need to create these materials as well. Such materials will be set as child content to the double-sided material.

To create render materials as the child content for the double-sided material in the front and back slots we'll be using RenderContent.Create(Guid type, RenderContent parent, string childSlotName, RenderContent.ShowContentChooserFlags flags, RhinoDoc doc).

Create and setup the material

We'll create and assign the material only when there is an object selection.

<<if objects are selected create material and assign>>=

if object_selection:
    <<create a double-sided material>>
    <<assign material to object selection>>

To create the double-sided parent material we use RenderContent.Create. We don't need much else besides the render content GUID and the document.

Once we have a material we need to bracket any changes we want to make between BeginChange() and EndChange() calls. Otherwise Rhino will ignore any programmatical changes to the render content because it is already in the document after creation.

We set a name suffixed with a new GUID each time this material is created by the script. This so we don't end up with materials that have the same name. While it is possible to do so with a script names should really be unique.

Note that the front_material and back_material instances are created within the BeginChange() and EndChange() bracket of render_material. The creation of these materials is done using the RenderContent.Create() function that creates the material as child to a parent content using the given child slot name.

<<create a double-sided material>>=

render_material = Rhino.Render.RenderContent.Create(
render_material.Name = "Double-Sided Material " + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

front_material = Rhino.Render.RenderContent.Create(

back_material = Rhino.Render.RenderContent.Create(
random_color1 = Rhino.Display.Color4f(
random_color2 = Rhino.Display.Color4f(

front_material.SetParameter("color", random_color1)

back_material.SetParameter("color", random_color2)

Assign material to objects

Now that we have a material we can assign it to each object in our selection. For Rhino to notice changes to objects in the document we need to do something similar like the method above for changing render content that is already in the document. We have to CommitChanges() on the object for the changes to stick.

<<assign material to object selection>>=

for ob in object_selection:
    print("Adding material", render_material.Name, "to", ob)
    ob.RenderMaterial = render_material

The imports

We need access to the Rhino.Render namespace for the material and render content related classes. Further we want to access the document. For that we are going to use scriptcontext. We'll import just the namespaces or modules meaning we'll have to include these when using classes and functionality they provide. We're doing that for this script to make it clear where the used bits and pieces come from.

<<import libraries>>=
import System
import Rhino.Display
import Rhino.Render

To create a random color we'll need the random module along with access to Color4f from the Rhino.Display namespace.

<<import libraries>>=+
import scriptcontext
import random

Main structure of the script

The script will be implemented as a script, not a command. It will import the necessary modules and namespaces. It'll take note of the currently selected objects. Then it will create a double-sided material as we already explained. Finally the new material will be assigned to each of the selected objects.

<<Double-Sided Material Creation Script.*>>= ./ $
<<import libraries>>
<<determine selected objects>>
<<if objects are selected create material and assign>>

Retrieve object selection

We're not going to ask the user to select anything. Instead the script relies on the selection already being made. We still create a material, but without a selection no assignment will be made.

<<determine selected objects>>=

object_selection = [ob for ob in scriptcontext.doc.Objects if ob.IsSelected(False)]


It is relatively straightforward to programmatically create new render content in Rhino. There are a few mechanisms the programmer needs to be mindful of: bracketing of changes to render content, and explicitely committing changes made to document objects.

Note that this particular implementation does not really check whether it is useful to even have a RenderMaterial assigned. It would be good to add that extra security.

Furthermore the script could be improved with a piece of code that actually queries the user for object selection if none has been made.

These improvements are left to the reader to implement, as the main goal here has been achieved: show how to create and assign a new material of a specific type.

The generated script is in the repository here