Creating a decal with RhinoCommon

Creating a decal in Rhino needs a RenderTexture instance for its texture. In this script we will create a RenderTexture from scratch, but using a RenderTexture instance that is already in the document should work equally well.

At the moment of writing this literate script the RhinoCommon API offers only means to create and delete decals, but not to modify existing ones. For that reason this script only shows how to create a new decal.

The final generated script is in case you want to go directly ahead and look at just the code. This document otherwise will explain all necessary steps in as much detail as possible.

<<create a decal.*>>= ./ $
import Rhino
import scriptcontext as sc

<<create texture for decal>>
<<set up decal parameters>>
<<create the decal>>
<<get decals list for selected object>>


Creating the bitmap texture

We'll be using one of the Create overloads to add a new bitmap texture to the current document. Since we want to create a bitmap texture we will be using the ContentUuids.BitmapTextureType to pass into the correct Create method overload.

For this script specifically We'll be using the Create(RhinoDoc, Guid) version. This overload will pop-up a file dialog for us to pick an image file to use for our RenderTexture instance. This removes for us the need to write code to pick a file and modify the RenderTexture instance manually. Our texture will be created automatically with the mapping channel for it set to 1 as is necessary for a texture to be used as a decal.

<<create texture for decal>>=
render_texture = Rhino.Render.RenderContent.Create(sc.doc, Rhino.Render.ContentUuids.BitmapTextureType)

Setting up the decal parameters

For this simple script we're going to create the decal with planar mapping with its origin set to 0, 0, 0 and 5 units along the world X and Y axes. Projection will be on both sides of surfaces.

<<set up decal parameters>>=
decal_params = Rhino.Render.DecalCreateParams()
decal_params.TextureInstanceId = render_texture.Id
decal_params.DecalMapping = Rhino.Render.DecalMapping.Planar
decal_params.DecalProjection = Rhino.Render.DecalProjection.Both
decal_params.Origin = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0)
decal_params.VectorAcross = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(5, 0, 0)
decal_params.VectorUp = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0, 5, 0)

An improvement to this script of course would be to query the user for the location and orientation of the decal, but that is left to the reader as excercise.

Creating and assignig the decal

Now we can create a new decal using the parameters we just set up.

<<create the decal>>=
decal = Rhino.Render.Decal.Create(decal_params)

Next get the first selected object and add the newly created decal to it.

<<get decals list for selected object>>=
obs = [ob for ob in sc.doc.Objects if ob.IsSelected(False)]
if len(obs)>0:
    ob = obs[0]

This is all that is needed to create a new decal for an object.