The grabber

This plug-in adds a grabit rule that captures the current StateCore of the MarkdownIt instance that is parsing the document.

The grabit rule is added before the normalize rule. The only job is to grab the current state. This state we use later to find all the code fragments and weave them together.

I couldn't find clearly what the rule function should return. To me it is currently unclear what the difference is between returning false and returning true.

Based on other rules I opted to return false, as I am assuming that it means that the next rule is allowed to work on the state and token stream.

<<grabber plug-in.*>>= ./src/grabber.ts $
import MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it');
import Core = require('markdown-it/lib/parser_core');

export function grabberPlugin(md : MarkdownIt) {
    const grabit : Core.RuleCore = state => {
        if (state.env) {
            state.env.gstate = state;
        return false;

    md.core.ruler.before('normalize', 'grabit', grabit);