Code actions

Code actions allow us to give potential actions on errors and warnings, making it a bit easier to create new parts and bits.

Provider class

The action provider class takes a FragmentRepository in the constructor. This will be used to compute the fragment name for which we need to create an action.

<<code action provider class>>=
export class LiterateCodeActionProvider implements vscode.CodeActionProvider
    constructor(public readonly repository : FragmentRepository) {}

The actual implementation of the provider is in provideCodeActions. It takes a document, range, context and cancellation token. The cancellation token and range we don't use.

<<code action provider class>>=+
    public provideCodeActions(
        document : vscode.TextDocument,
        _: vscode.Range,
        context : vscode.CodeActionContext,
        __ : vscode.CancellationToken
    ) : Thenable<vscode.CodeAction[]>

We start by initializing a new array of CodeAction, to which we will add any if we determine we can provide them.

<<code action provider class>>=+
        let codeActions = new Array<vscode.CodeAction>();

Now loop over all the diagnostics received through the context. If we have one that starts with "Could not find fragment" we know we can create an action for defining the fragment.

<<code action provider class>>=+
        for(const diag of context.diagnostics)
            if(diag.message.indexOf("Could not find fragment")>-1)

Now create a new CodeAction and set it up to run the literate.create_fragment_for_tag command with the range specified by the diagnostics. We also get the fragment location so that we have access to its name.

<<code action provider class>>=+
                let fragmentLocation = this.repository.getFragmentTagLocation(document, document.lineAt(diag.range.start), diag.range.start);
                let action = new vscode.CodeAction(`Create fragment for ${OPENING}${}${CLOSING}`, context.only ? context.only : vscode.CodeActionKind.Refactor);
                action.command = {command: 'literate.create_fragment_for_tag', title: `Create fragment for ${OPENING}${}${CLOSING}`, arguments : [diag.range]};

Finally return the code actions array.

<<code action provider class>>=+
        return Promise.resolve(codeActions);